Dal 1934 ci prendiamo cura dei nostri vigneti, gestiti in biologico, per ottenere vini, che siano espressione genuina della nostra famiglia e del nostro territorio, le Marche.
+39 0734 640100
Via Nazionale, 194, 63900 Fermo FM


We want to take care of our land, keep it healthy, and we consider organic farming the best ways to do it. The term organic follows an official EU definition, which has the status of a law. Any wine sold as “organic wine” in the EU must follow the EU rules and carry the EU organic green leaf on the label. The fundamentals of organics are the rules on what we are allowed to do.

Our state-of-the-art viticultural practices include mechanical “herbicide free” weeding systems, natural fertilization, and advanced weather stations to deliver actual vine sensory data.

The benefits from letting the grass grow are many: it reduces soil erosion, reduces the risk of soil compaction, contributes to the microbiological life in the soil.

Greener Choices

The cellar is powered by solar panels and we adopted a drop irrigation system, which reduces our water consumption and overall impact on the environment.

Standard 75cl glass wine bottles vary in weight, from 400g to more than a kilo. The heavier they are, the greater the carbon emissions from making and transporting them, which accounts for the greatest proportion of wine’s carbon footprint.

We use a 400g bottle, which leads to considerable environmental benefits!

Environmental Labeling


Ladybugs, butterflies, bees and earthworms are a sign of a lively, silent nature hard at work.

The vineyards offset with woods, olive trees, arable land and meadows, which are home to hares and roe deer.

Woodpeckers, hoopoes, pheasants, buzzards, owls and the rare short-toed eagle observe the vineyards from the sky.


Our approach is to work with nature instead of fighting it. By fostering a habitat that supports a pests’ natural predators, we encourage the ecosystem that keeps them in check.

Native perennial wildflowers help to maintain the vineyard’s natural balance. Walking in the vineyards you can see daisies, dandelions, anemones, euphorbia, chamomile, chicory, dandelion, borage, mallow, wild fennel, lemon balm, burnet and many others spontaneous herbs.

Smart Vitis

We pride ourselves on running sustainable vineyards through a combination of responsible farming practices, innovative techniques, and cutting-edge scientific research.

This approach helps us to continuously elevate the quality of the fruit we produce.

In addition to collaborating with leading viticultural researchers, we’re conducting a long-term experiment with UNIVPM to further refine the management of the soil and irrigation water, avoiding unnecessary waste of resources.